We are excited to announce the first Westborough Community Education Summer Program Blog. We created this blog in an effort to inform parents and campers of daily camp activities, events, and updates. Our hope in creating this blog is to spread the word of our Summer Camp Program and keep all participants in the loop on upcoming events and daily recaps.
Please take the time to check in with us everyday, as we plan to be updating all the time.
Thanks so much, and looking forward to the rest of the Summer Camp Program
Brian Bacon
Our procedures and policies are listed below:
Summer Day Camp Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Campers should be dropped off by the picnic tables in front of the high school cafeteria (adjacent to the tennis courts) between 8:45am and 9am. Campers are to be picked up in the same location between 3:45pm and 4pm. If you wish to speak to a staff member, please park in the parking lot next to the tennis courts and escort your child into the building.
Late/Early Drop-Offs
Any child dropped off before 8:45am must be escorted into the AM Extended Day Program located in Rooms C115 and C117 and be signed in. Please enter the building through the set of doors labeled D6 and D7 located opposite the main staff and student parking lot at the side entrance of the high school. No child is permitted to be dropped off before 7:30am. Any child who arrives after 9:00am, MUST BE SIGNED IN by a parent at the Community Education Summer Programs Office located in room C116. Once you sign your child in with a member of our staff you are free to go. Signs will be clearly posted.
Early Pick-Ups
If you need to pick your child up early, please provide a note to the staff at drop-off. When you pick up your child you MUST go to the Community Education Summer Programs Office (room C116) to sign your child out. Please be prepared to show a valid ID. Please note that it may take a few minutes for your child to gather their belongings and be escorted up to the office. If possible please refrain from picking-up early unless absolutely necessary. The end of the day is a very busy time for us and it is the time of day where we have our “All Camp” activities planned.
Late Pick-Ups
If your child is not registered for the PM Extended Day Program, s/he must be picked up by 4:00pm. Any child not picked up by 4:00pm will be escorted to the PM Extended Day Program and you will be charged the PM Extended Day daily rate of $15. If you child is a part of the PM Extended Day Program and is not picked up by 6:00pm, a late fee of $15 will be asses for each 15 minute interval after 6:00pm.
Don’t Forget! Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday Pizza Day! Campers are invited to order a special lunch of pizza, fresh fruit, and milk or water. The cost is $6 per lunch and must be given to your child’s camp counselor at Drop-Off on Monday Morning. Anyone who has not made arrangements for pizza by Tuesday afternoon will not be able to participate.
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